Ever felt a little frayed at the edges?
Like who you are is coming apart and unravelling relationships with family and friends?
Re:Woven was an 8 week series we ran either side of Easter, aimed at reweaving who we are across the fabric of life in all its threads. Emotional, spiritual, physical and social. You can take part in your own reweaving through the podcast.
Week One: Warp & Weft
Brett Jones leads us through 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 &
Matt 22: 37-40 as we explore our identity as God's unique children, woven together as one community.
Podcast Audio
Week Two: Over-Dyed
Melissa Powell unpacks Exodus 20:16 and Matthew 7:1-5 as we consider how we move past false assumptions and judgement in our relationships with others.
Podcast Audio
NB: As part of this weeks sermon we talked about physical and verbal harm. If you or someone you know are a victim of family violence or in a relationship that makes you fearful for your own or anyone else's safety, please reach out for help. Everyone has a right to be safe. If you need pastoral support you can contact our pastoral team confidentially by emailing: support@cession.org.nz
For other support providers see below: (For your privacy all links open externally)
Elder Abuse Helpline | 0800 32 668 65
Hey Bro helpline | 0800 HeyBro (439 276) |
Netsafe (Online Bullying or Abuse Support)

Week Three: Frayed
Rev Brett Jones & counsellor Sarah Smith explore the complicated dynamics of family relationships and the importance of understanding our histories, drawing insight from 2 Samuel 12:1-10.
Podcast Audio

Week Four: Unravelling
What sank the Titanic was not the iceberg that was visible above the surface. What sank the Titanic was everything that happened below the surface. This week in Re:Woven Rev Brett Jones leads us through John 4 as we go below the surface and begin Unravelling...

Week Five: Intarsia
This week in re:woven Rev Melissa Powell leads us through James 1:19-27 as we explore what it means to listen incarnationally and discover the art of living as Intarsia.

Week Six: Patched
This week in re:woven Dave Pitman notices he's wearing his life inside out. Dave takes us on a journey through Galatians 2:11-14 and explores what it means for us to true to ourselves and accept others differences.

Week Seven: Torn
This week in Re: Woven Brett Jones gives lessons on fighting as we explore Matthew 5:9 & Romans 12:9-21.