What happens when we find ourselves face to face with Truth?
Sometimes the discovery is exciting and joy filled, our whole self is filled and fuelled by the excitement of discovery. Sometimes, truth is painful, it reveals deep wounds and longings. Other times, truth is uncomfortable, even shocking and leaves squirming. Whenever we encounter truth, there is always an invitation to transformation, we have a choice, lean into the invitation or reject it. When truth comes knocking, how will you respond?
In this series we’ll be exploring stories of obedience from the scriptures, and from within our community which demonstrate lives encountering truth in profound ways.
You can participate in this service in 2 ways:
cession @ the depot from 5pm for worship for dinner (service starts @ 5.30pm)
cession @ home on Facebook LIVE from 5.25pm
If you are unwell, required to isolate or awaiting a COVID-19 test result, please enjoy our worship service via the cession @ home option online. NB There is no Sunday dinner while we are in ORANGE
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