The season of Lent is often described as a wilderness season. Traditionally it has been an opportunity for the people of God to journey deeper into discipleship.
This Lenten season we're listening and reflecting on stories from Luke’s gospel and what each story teaches us about Christ’s call to discipleship.
These calls to discipleship hold a two-fold invitation to the table God prepares for us - to feast and to serve. Each week in this series we will consider both the feast freely offered to us and a practice which helps us accept/receive that gift and offer it to others.
We'll be including these guided practices as bonus episodes on our podcast.
We'll also be adding some tools & resources each week to help you 'keep practicing.' You'll find these added below.
Prayer of Examen
Reimagining the Examen
This handy phone app is available FREE on Apple and Android. Based on a book by Mark Thibodeaux SJ, a Jesuit Priest and Spiritual Director, it's beautifully designed and includes traditional Examen along with some variations organised by theme.
Examen Prayer Card
This downloadable Examen prayer card is available here:
Pray as you Go
Pray as you go is a prayer resource designed for you to access 'on the go.' It includes daily prayers and other prayer tools including these Examen resources: https://pray-as-you-go.org/prayer%20tools/ . You can find it online or download the app FREE to your phone.
cession|community Guided Examen
Guided Examen Prayer Card Prompts (PDF)
Examen Slide Show